NASDAQ Hackers Spied on Company Boards - Reuters
Grant's Interest Rate Observer 2012 Yearbook - 27 page continuously factual broadside against one Ben Bernanke, beautifully written and highly educational.
Cult Figures - Bill Gross. Some cold turkey heresy from one of the most powerful "bond vigilantes" (or, you know, whatever.) Bill had an interesting 2012, also discussing class warfare at some length in this earlier piece, "The Wall Street Food Chain."
JP Morgan Spends $500 Million per Data Center - see also JP Morgan's Food Stamp Empire - Peter Schweitzer
The Real "New Normal" - Zero Hedge
The Microsecond Market - IEEE Spectrum
Hibernian Express: $300 million and 3,741 miles for 6 Milliseconds of HFT - Telegraph
Part One: Volatility at World's End - Artemis Capital Management
Part Two: Volatility of an Impossible Object - Artemis Capital Management
Rise of the HFT Machines, 2007-2012 - Nanex - a site worth exploring for the economically curious (and skeptical.) Their Data on HFT Order Stuffing / Flash Crashes is one of the biggest goldmines you could find.

The one thing I have found is that corruption indexes aren't terribly useful beyond getting a very simple picture of a country. The more organized and advanced a nation is, the more deeply and carefully obfuscated it's corruption is. This is true even in the shining example states like Denmark, Sweden and Singapore.
ReplyDeleteThough the life cycle of that corrupt organization and it's players may be shorter in some places, corruption is endemic to all nations.
Indeed, it's basically a measure of how much individual sovereigns cooperate and integrate with the ongoing corruption of Western-managed "globalization." Cartels are ubiquitous business models because, after all, they work.