
04-05-2014 | A Bright Future

On Magic - Maria Warner

The Pirate Insurgency - Kevin Flaherty

Taking a Spoon to a Gunfight by David Maxwell

The Deep State Behind US Democracy - an interview with Peter Dale Scott

1 comment:

  1. Have yet to read the Peter Dale Scott article here, but otherwise... glad you're back on this. Maria Warner hits this interesting are between critical theory, lit studies, and (occult) history that reminds me of *the* book I have to push when I'm trying to stress the parallels between magic, rhetoric, theory, and the schema model of cognition, Magic, Rhetoric and Literacy: An Eccentric History of the Composing Imagination, by William A. Covino. Also relevant would be Ioan P Couliano/Culianu, whose story seems right up your alley... http://technoccult.net/archives/2009/01/28/ioan-p-culianu-eros-magic-politics-and-murder-remembered/
